Object 3, 2, 1
80x80 cm
60x60 cm
40x40 cm
Scan to AR
Object 4-5
16x16 cm
Black frame 35x35 cm
Price on demand
Price on demand
Price 100€ each
Object 6-7
10x15 cm
Black frame 12x17 cm
Serie «Happy or not at all»
Original technique, linnen, watercolour, AI
AR production: Cyber_xcvii
2024, Paris, France
16x16 cm
Black frame 35x35 cm
©Tatiana Kostylevskaia
Visual artist. 2024
Within the "Happy or Not at All" project, I aim to develop my own methodology of collaboration with Al through the continuous metamorphosis of producing and reproducing my original motifs, thus blurring the lines of authorship between myself and the machine.

The name of the series reflects the search for a contemporary definition of happiness for those who have access to the internet. Each personal definition of happiness arises from a multitude of complex factors: family, social, and cultural environments, it is often linked to the physical objects. These "happy objects" are to be purchased online, and this action is carefully guided by AI algorithms and purchase funnels designed by corporations.
I consider this situation a challenge for online and offline users, to regain control of our emotions, desires, and affections. In these circumstances, I stand for abstraction as a form of meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection as an alternative to information and objects fastconsuming.the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.

The series' title is inspired by P. Osborne's seminal work, "Anywhere or Not at All," which delves into contemporary art theory. Osborne highlights the interconnectedness of art with its environment and context, shaping its interpretation and significance. He underscores the fusion of aesthetic considerations with broader global, political, historical, digital, and technological influences on the art landscape.
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